About Us
Never Dark Power Solutions is your one stop shop for Generac Whole House Standby Power Systems. Our skilled team will help you define your power needs and the right unit for your home or office. We are also Factory Trained and Certified for Generac Service and Warranty Work. We can help you protect your investment with our preventative maintenance plans on your new Generac or on an existing unit. Our trained technicians are available 24/7 for your emergency service needs. We can diagnose any issue and help you keep your power unit running.

Steve Scribner
Steve has been in the construction industry for over 20 years. He is a Licensed Contractor in South Carolina and North Carolina. He and his team are trained and ready to help with your Generac and Whole House Power needs. With a team with electrical, HVAC, and construction experience, Never Dark is uniquely qualified to help with even more difficult installations.
His wife, Genevieve, handles client relations and marketing. They have been married 20 years and love working together.

Jeff Homan
Jeff Homan runs the Orlando branch of Never Dark Power Solutions.
He comes from a background of owning an audio video business and takes care of our financial needs within the company.

Marketing Agent
Genevieve Scribner
Genevieve Scribner has worked side by side with her husband Steve for 20 years. She handles the marketing for Never Dark Power Solutions.
If you’re a realtor or electrician, you likely have spoken with Gen at some point.

Office Manager
Emily Provchy
With over 20 years in the financial services industry and customer service, Emily took her skills to Never Dark Power Solutions. She is the perfect fit for the sales and customer service side of Never Dark.
She is here to partner with the client to start the ball rolling on setting up a site survey or maintenance call. She brings her banking knowledge to help determine the financing options best suited for your specific needs. If you follow Never Dark on Facebook, Instagram, or Pinterest, you can be sure Emily was involved in the post or blog.