Never Dark Carolinas

Powering Through The Storm

In our business when we speak of storms, we usually are referring to the extreme weather in the form of snow storms or hurricanes. We talk about being prepared and having a disaster plan that includes back up power. That’s our business. Keeping our clients with power no matter what.
I don’t know about you, but we are weathering a different type of storm. Honestly, at times, I have felt powerless. Those of you who have started a business or have small businesses know it’s hard enough to get up and running even in the best of times. Now add COVID19 to the mix, social distancing, and an economic downturn that no one could ever have imagined just a couple of months ago, it can be overwhelming. Living in a small town, we see our neighbors and the small businesses fighting to keep what they have. I can’t say enough how in awe I am of our local small businesses. They have shown determination, grit, and fortitude. I also am proud of the support our neighbors are providing.
You have two choices. Give up or power through. At Never Dark Power Solutions we are powering through. We have a lot of exciting things happening. First, we are working on our new office location in Campobello, SC. It’s a vintage building that just needs some TLC. Once completed, we hope to be an exciting addition to Campobello. Second, we are opening another division in Central Florida-Never Dark Florida. We are excited to be expanding in an area where back-up power will be so essential. And lastly, we are adding another layer to our existing power packages-Solar.
Solar Energy is 100% clean energy. And it’s not dependent on the grid. Stay tuned for more information as we add another way to keep our clients powered. These are uncertain times. But Never Dark Power Solutions is certain to keep powering on. Don’t be in the dark. Stay informed. Power Through. We can weather this storm too

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